Craft Self Articles

Borrowing Brilliance: Your Guide to Smart Debt Management

Let's face it, borrowing money can feel like a double-edged sword. It can be a powerful tool to achieve your goals but can also become a burden if not managed wisely. This blog series, Borrowing Brilliance, is your roadmap to navigating the exciting (and sometimes...

Your Future, Your Way: Living Wills and Last Wills Explained

Planning for the future may only sometimes be the most exhilarating topic. Even though it's not the most exciting, this is a super important way to ensure your family knows what you want and can take care of things after you're gone. This blog post delves into two...

Millennials in the Inflation Squeeze:  A Generation Feeling the Pinch

While inflation affects everyone, Millennials are bearing the brunt of its impact. This generation, already facing unique financial challenges, grapples with rising costs that disproportionately squeeze their wallets. Let's delve into the reasons why: Delayed...

Taming the Tiger: Tips for Handling Inflation in 2024

Inflation, the unwanted guest from 2023's financial fiesta, lingers into 2024. While its roar may not be loud, it still raises concerns about navigating this rising tide of prices. But fear not, financially savvy individuals! There are strategies to weather this storm...