Craft Wealth Articles

Taming the Tiger: Tips for Handling Inflation in 2024

Inflation, the unwanted guest from 2023's financial fiesta, lingers into 2024. While its roar may not be loud, it still raises concerns about navigating this rising tide of prices. But fear not, financially savvy individuals! There are strategies to weather this storm...

2023: The Year Inflation Ouche-ed Your Wallet!

Remember 2023? Yeah, it wasn't just any year. Prices went wild, like a grocery cart overflowing with everything except your paycheck. This was about more than boring stuff like textbooks or gas (though those hurt, too!). Food, the things you actually need to eat,...

Building Your Dream or Digging a Ditch?

Debt. It can be a confusing beast, leaving you feeling like you’re climbing a mountain of money or stuck in a financial quicksand pit. But guess what? Not all debt is created equal. There’s good debt, which helps you build your future, and bad debt, which weighs you down like a broken backpack on a hike

Cosigning for Family: A Tightrope Over Financial Fire

The biggest worry here is about money.  If the person who took out the loan (the borrower) can’t repay it, you’re on the hook for the whole thing, just like them.